Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Rendang beef or buffalo meat is cooked with coconut milk and spices.


* 1 kg of beef or buffalo, cut into square pieces of about 20
* 4 pieces of orange leaves
* 1 stem Serai
* 2 liter of thick coconut milk 1 clove of the great old

Mashed the ingredients:

* 2 cloves garlic
* 4 pieces of onion
* 25 grams ginger
* 15 grams of turmeric
* 75 grams of ginger young
* 1 tbsp. chili according to taste or Giling
* 1 tsp. pepper
* ½ nutmeg fruit seed
* 4 pieces candlenut
* ½ tbsp. salt
* 1 tbsp. sugar

How to create:

1. Rendam meat with the spices that are mashed at least 1 hour
2. Cooked in coconut milk with a frying pan over medium flame, poke was from coconut oil to float on the surface (at least 20 minutes) and sisihkan
3. In large frying pan, insert meat with spices and coconut milk as much as 300 cc (until the meat submerged)
4. Enter the bay leaf and Serai, cooking with fire while being stirred to poke half of coconut milk evaporate
5. Pour 100 cc coconut milk again and poke-poke until all the water vapor in the coconut milk
6. Continue stir and add the remaining coconut milk, about 100 cc to tuang once.
7. Cook until the meat becomes soft (at least 1 ½ hours) and until all the water vapor in the coconut milk and spices rendang so.


* This recipe can also be used to make rendang beef liver, chicken rendang, rendang Eggs


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